Can You Grow Potatoes In A Greenhouse?

Greenhouses have transformed the way we grow plants when it comes to growing veggies. Greenhouses provide an ideal environment for cultivating a range of crops due to their controlled surroundings and shelter from adverse weather conditions.

But can potatoes be grown in a greenhouse? In this article, we’ll delve into greenhouse potato production, looking at the benefits, obstacles, and steps to successfully growing this starchy staple.

Can Potatoes Be Grown In A Greenhouse?

Yes, it is possible to cultivate potatoes in a greenhouse. Greenhouses provide a regulated atmosphere that is ideal for potato growing.

Here are some crucial factors to consider and procedures to take while growing potatoes in a greenhouse.

What Can You Plant Potatoes In?

One of the most effective methods for producing potatoes in a greenhouse is to utilize a large container, barrel, or bag.

Garden shops and DIY stores usually sell large containers and particularly hard-wearing bags for planting potatoes, but a huge bin is a fantastic, and often cheaper, option.

If you want to plant three seed potatoes, you’ll need a container that’s 24 inches tall and about 18 inches in diameter. Your container should be 30 inches high and 24 inches in diameter to accommodate five seed potatoes.

Growing Potatoes In A Greenhouse

It is ideal for cultivating potatoes in greenhouse containers. Growing in containers allows you to move them about and allows the earth to recover from the summer’s growth.

Plant three seed potatoes in a container 24 inches deep and 18 inches wide. A single tuber can be planted in a one-gallon grow bag, while two or three tubers can be planted in a five-gallon bag.

Plant tubers at least 12 inches apart in a raised bed. Cover the buds with 3 inches of dirt, making sure the buds are pointing upwards.

Place Your Container In A Greenhouse

Water the pots or containers after placing them in a warm area of the greenhouse. Check for frost in the greenhouse because it can instantly destroy your plant.

Hilling Potatoes

Hilling potatoes increases yield while also keeping the potatoes covered and shielded from the sun. Green potatoes are toxic and should be avoided.

Begin hilling when the plant reaches about 8 inches in height. Cover it with soil, leaving an inch at the top exposed to sunshine. Rep till the plant is 4 inches above the soil surface.

Stop hilling when the soil is an inch or so below the top of the bag or container.

Caring For Potato Plants In A Greenhouse

When growing potatoes in a greenhouse, you should keep a few things in mind.

  • There are two options if the weather forecast predicts temperatures below freezing. Use a frost cover over the greenhouse or heat the space to a temperature adequate for the plants.
  • If you overwater your plants, the potatoes will degrade. However, after the plants begin to flower, they must be watered on a regular basis.
  • After a few weeks, begin lightly fertilizing with a high-phosphorous fertilizer mix. Fertilize once a week.
  • Pests aren’t a big issue while producing potatoes in a greenhouse. However, you must keep an eye out for beetles. Pinch out and burn any little eggs that appear on the leaves. Act quickly and use organic pesticides to eliminate them before they destroy the plant and spread to other plants.

Potato Harvesting

When blossoms appear, it means that tubers have grown inside the soil and are ready to be harvested. Remove some soil to determine whether the potatoes are ready for harvest.

A week before you intend to harvest the potatoes, stop watering the plants in your greenhouse. This ensures that the soil is dry enough to harvest dry potatoes. If you harvest potatoes from wet soil, you must store them in the greenhouse until they are totally dry. If you use sharp equipment to dig, you risk puncturing the potatoes.

If you grew them in a pot or grow bag inside your greenhouse, simply drain the contents and harvest the potatoes. Even if you wish to leave some of the potatoes in the soil to grow larger, don’t wait too long after the plants die, otherwise, the tubers will rot.

Overcoming Challenges

Space Administration

Potatoes require ample space for root development. In a greenhouse, vertical gardening techniques can be used to maximize space and boost production per square foot.

Humidity Management

To avoid problems like rot, potatoes require a well-regulated humidity level. Proper ventilation systems in a greenhouse can assist keep the humidity level optimal for potato growth.

Steps To Successfully Grow Potatoes In A Greenhouse

Selection Of Varieties

Choose potato types that thrive under greenhouse conditions. Yukon Gold, Red Pontiac, and Russian Blue are among preferred kinds.

Preparation Of The Soil

Create a well-draining, organic-rich soil mix. A growing medium made of compost, perlite, and peat moss can be suitable.


Allow the seed potatoes to chit or sprout before planting. Place them in a cool, light location for a few weeks to foster the growth of strong sprouts.


Plant the chitted potatoes in greenhouse containers or grow bags. To avoid overpopulation, ensure sufficient spacing.

Care And Maintenance

Regularly monitor the greenhouse environment. Maintain consistent moisture levels in the soil and make sure the greenhouse is properly ventilated to avoid excessive humidity.


Feed a balanced fertilizer to the potato plants to supply critical nutrients for optimal growth.

Pest Control

Inspect plants on a regular basis for symptoms of pests. Introduce natural predators such as ladybugs to control pest numbers.

Advantages Of Growing Potatoes In A Greenhouse

Garden potatoes are normally planted a few weeks before the latest frost date or when the soil temperature is between 45 and 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

This is usually around April in most areas. Potatoes are commonly planted in the fall or even winter in warmer climates for a spring harvest!

Potatoes planted outside are seasonal since they are frost-tender and dislike severe heat. In a greenhouse, you can regulate elements like light and temperature, extending the growing season.

This way, you can easily have many potato harvests in a single year, if not more!

What Are The Several Types Of Potatoes?

There are around 4,000 different potato kinds, all of which come in various forms and sizes. Over 180 wild potato species also have an extremely bitter taste.

Approximately 200 distinct types of potatoes are sold in the United States. The 200 potato types are divided into seven groups. They come in russet, yellow, red, white, blue/purple, fingerling, and tiny varieties.


Russets are also known as old potatoes and baking potatoes. Russet kinds that are popular include russet Burbank, russet Arcadia, russet Norkotahs, and russet Butte.

These potatoes are elliptical in shape and have a rough, netting brow skin. Because these potatoes have a low moisture content, they dry out and become fluffy when cooked. They’re great for deep frying (Fresh Fries), mashing, and baking.

Yellow Potatoes

Yellow potatoes include varieties such as Yukon gold, German Butterball, yellow Finn, Carola, Nicola, and Alby’s Gold.

These are medium-sized spherical potatoes with a thin pale brow or yellowish skin and golden wax on the interior. These potatoes have a buttery flavor and can be roasted, mashed, boiled, grilled, or steamed.

Round Red Potatoes

Round red potatoes, such as red Norland and red Pontiac, are predominantly farmed in the Northwestern United States.

The skin is round and reddish-brown, with dense white flesh. The flavor of round red potatoes is sweeter than that of round white potatoes. These potatoes can be roasted, grilled, boiled, salads, and stews.


Fingerlings are thumb-sized potatoes that can grow to be 3 inches long. Purple Peruvian fingerlings, long white fingerlings, Russian banana fingerlings, and Ruby crescent fingerlings are among them.

The potatoes have a thin shell and can be cooked whole. These potatoes have a yellow skin and a buttery interior texture. These potatoes can be baked, boiled, deep fried, roasted, or steamed.

White Round Potatoes

Kennebec, Superior, and Atlantic potatoes are all examples of round white potatoes.

Medium-sized spherical potatoes with freckled brow skin are available. These potatoes have a creamy texture and are ideal for frying, mashing, boiling, or roasting.

Purple Sweet Potatoes

Purple potatoes are also referred to as blue potatoes. Potato cultivars include All blue, Purple Peruvian, and Purple Viking.

These are genuine heirloom potatoes with purple or greyish-blue skin and inky blue flesh. These potatoes have a delicate flavor and can be roasted, fried, mashed, steamed, stewed, or saladed.

Petite Potatoes

These potatoes are also known as new potatoes, baby potatoes, and creamers since they were harvested before maturity (when the leaves were still green). They can be extremely tiny.

New potatoes have a waxy interior feel and are quite crisp. They are suitable for hole, roasting, boiling, and salads.

Growing potatoes in a greenhouse is not only possible but also advantageous. A greenhouse’s controlled climate provides the ideal circumstances for growing healthy, tasty potatoes while avoiding the obstacles associated with traditional outdoor growth. You can enjoy a plentiful harvest of homegrown greenhouse potatoes with the proper care and attention.

Thanks for reading. I hope you find it helpful.

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