How Many Potatoes To Plant In A Container?

Potatoes, those adaptable and adored tubers, have long been a staple of human meals. Their culinary flexibility knows no bounds, whether mashed, fried, or roasted. If you’re ready to start growing your own potatoes but don’t have a lot of room, container planting is a great option.

However, a typical question is how many potatoes should be planted in a container? The answer is found not only in the size of the container but also in the type of container, the care, and the planting methods.

In this article, we’ll go into the art and science of finding the optimal number of potatoes to plant in a container, ensuring a bountiful crop that will make potato enthusiasts everywhere jealous.

How Many Potatoes To Plant In A Container?

The number of potatoes that can be planted in a container is determined by the size of the container and the type of potato planted. Here’s a broad rule of thumb:

For A Standard 5-Gallon (19-Liter) Container

You can plant around three to five seed potatoes in a container that is a common size of five gallons (19 liters). Each seed potato should be broken into smaller pieces, and each piece should have at least one “eye” or sprout.

These parts should then be reassembled. This will ensure that there is sufficient space for the plants to grow and thrive without being suffocated by their neighbors.

For Larger Containers

Increase the amount of seed potatoes you plant if you use a larger container. If your container is larger, you can plant more seed potatoes. It is important to keep in mind that the plants will require room in order for their roots to expand and for the leaves to develop without becoming overly crowded.

It is important to ensure that there is sufficient soil depth (at least 8–12 inches) so that the potatoes can develop normally. As the plants grow, you can cover the stems of the plants by adding additional dirt or mulch to the container, but you should keep the top foliage exposed.

Additionally,ensure the container has drainage holes to prevent waterlogging and select a high-quality potting mix that has been mixed with compost to promote the healthy growth of potatoes.

Best Containers To Grow Potatoes

Fabric bags, plastic pots, buckets, wood planters, and potato towers are all examples of potato planters. Let us see which ones are the finest and which are the worst!

According to many gardeners, the finest planters for growing potatoes are 10-gallon (30 liters) size pots or bags. They provide the ideal blend of greatest yield with the least amount of space and soil required.

Potatoes can also be planted in 5-gallon buckets with drain holes, 7 to 15-gallon bags, and pots, which are all readily available.

10-gallon plastic or cloth pots are available here. Both are excellent options for planting potatoes. Make your own cloth potato grow bags by following this instructions.

If you’re thinking about planting potatoes in stacked rubber tires, don’t! Tires contain a lot of toxins that could be damaging to growing vegetables!

Another excellent choice for growing potatoes in tiny areas is to utilize wooden box planters, sometimes known as raised beds.

How To Plant Potatoes In Containers?

Prepare Seed Potatoes

Although whole potato tubers can be planted, most gardeners prefer to cut their potatoes into chunks before planting to make their seed potatoes last longer.

When cutting your potatoes, make sure that each part has at least two eyes or growth nodes. Allow your potato slices to sit out for a few days so they can callus before planting.

Add Soil To Container

Place your container in a position that gets at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day, then fill it with 2 to 3 inches of loamy, well-draining soil.

Potatoes flourish in slightly acidic soil with a pH of 5.2 to 6.0, as this pH helps protect them from potato scab. Add some compost for a nutrient boost that will aid in the growth of your potatoes.

Place The Seed Potatoes In The Container

Plant your potato parts in containers with the potato eyes facing up. Allow about 10 inches of space between seed potatoes and 4 inches of space between the walls of the container.

Fill Up With Soil

Cover your seed potatoes with about 2 inches of dirt and thoroughly water them.

How To Care For Container-Grown Potatoes?


Watering Potato plants grown in containers will require frequent watering, so check the soil daily. Potatoes should be watered on a regular basis to keep the soil moist but not soggy.

Insert your finger into the soil of your potatoes to see if it’s time to water. If the upper 1 to 2 inches of soil feel dry, it’s time to whip out the watering can or hose. A drip irrigation system is another possibility.


Every few weeks, mix a diluted liquid organic fertilizer into the water of your potatoes. A fish or kelp emulsion, for example, contains a variety of essential nutrients.


Your potato plants will need to be hilled from time to time as they grow to protect the spuds from the sun and encourage new potatoes to develop.

Add several inches of dirt to the base of your plants when they are about 6 inches tall. The hilled soil should reach about 1/3 of the way up your plant and may cover parts of the bottom leaves.

As your plants grow, continue hilling them every few weeks until they reach the top of your containers. Because potatoes develop quickly, this may take less time than you imagine.

Benefits Of Growing Potatoes In Containers

No Soil Contamination: Because you’re using fresh potting soil, you don’t have to worry about crop rotation, soil-borne diseases, or pests left over from the previous growing season.

Containers may be placed anywhere: The containers are simple to maintain and can be placed on your patio, balcony, or in any position in your yard that receives direct sunlight.

Ease of harvest: Harvesting potatoes is less difficult than digging, and there is less risk of injuring the tubers with a digging fork or shovel. Instead of digging, simply empty the pot, and there they are!

Soil pest protection: The container protects the potatoes from rats and other pests in the garden soil. Growing potatoes in containers is the solution if you have a problem with moles, voles, gophers, or chipmunks tunneling through your garden and consuming your tubers beneath the earth. It also keeps wireworms, grubs, and other pests at bay.

Finally, the number of potatoes to plant in a container is determined by variables such as container size, seed potato availability, and desired yield. A range of 3 to 5 seed potatoes is recommended for a 5-gallon container.

Adequate spacing, adequate soil depth, and right maintenance are all required for your container-grown potatoes to thrive and yield to their full potential. Remember that each potato plant requires space to develop roots and foliage, so striking the proper balance will contribute to a happy and successful potato-growing experience.

Thanks for reading. I hope you find it helpful.

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